"In reality, most people don’t know who they are because their sense of self is like a compass surrounded by a bunch of closer magnets, distorting their sense of true north." I love this

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This is so good. Just what I need to hear to stay encouraged and walking down the path I’m on.

Love the “unkink the hose” metaphor, that’s exactly what true inner alignment feels like

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Glad it resonated!

Been following your evolution at a distance, but I think the eccentricity and uniqueness of your current path alone is an indication that it’s the right one

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This is a bit of a gold mine.

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🙏 glad you found it useful

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Great piece, looking forward to reading more from you, Spencer.

Interestingly, the more I re-engage with interests from my childhood the more I feel aligned to my authentic self. A great first step is to trace the things you were naturally drawn to as a child and pursue those.

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🙏 thanks. Returning to childhood — interests, reintroduction of play & awe, not questioning pursuit of curiosity — is definitely a good starting place!

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Jan 12Edited

Congrats on publishing this! Authenticity and identity is the topic that never gets boring, have evolving thoughts on it …

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Appreciate the nudge 🙏 hope to see some of your posts on the topics soon!

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So good, do you have a few resources to read further on this topic? I'd love to go a bit more in depth into practices or ideas!

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Hmm what particular pieces resonated?

“I Am That” by Sri Nisargadatta may be a good starting place

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What a great post. Love this:

“You have the right to work, but for the work’s sake only. You have no right to the fruits of work. Desire for the fruits of work must never be your motive in working. (…) Work done with anxiety about results is far inferior to work done without such anxiety, in the calm of self-surrender. (…) They who work selfishly for results are miserable.” — Bhagavad Gita

Glad to have finally subscribed.

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This is the #1 quote from The Gita I think about. So much wisdom & depth.

Thanks for reading and sharing!

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